PRESS RELEASE: No Self-ID Taiwan calls for the implementation of the original aim of CEDAW

PRESS RELEASE: No Self-ID Taiwan calls for the implementation of the original aim of CEDAW

(Originally posted on December 2, 2022.)

“No Self-ID Taiwan Self-Help Organization” is a self-help organization aiming for the protection of women’s rights from the violation of political movements.

The poor policies that everyone has right to change the legal sex on their ID card and birth certificate by simple declaration have been rolled out in the transgender rights movement for years. In Taiwan, several legal cases violating women’s rights have been won recently. For example, the Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education has allowed male athletes to participate in women’s groups in the 2023 National Middle School Athletic Games. One trans-identified male who does not receive a sex reassignment surgery has registered as a legal female at one District Household Registration Office. One trans-identified male who also does not receive a sex reassignment surgery has been allowed to live in the female dormitory of the National Cheng Kung University.

Now, we have seen how trans lobbies take advantage of the translation gap between Chinese and English to obfuscate the meanings of sex and gender of the CEDAW in the Review meeting of the ROC (Taiwan) CEDAW Fourth National Report. To extend the references of females in the CEDAW to the males who declare to be women and roll out the policies eliminating women’s spaces, those trans lobbies distorted the contents by replacing “sex” with “gender” (both are the same word in Chinese). However, we already saw how foreign transgender rights advocates have adopted the same strategy and caused controversies as well as suppression.

We urgently ask:

  1. The Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education should cancel the policy that allows mtf athletes to participate in women’s groups in the 2023 National Middle School Athletic Games (NMSAG) and 2023 National University and College Athletic Games (NUCAG).
  2. The Legislative Yuan should complete the legislation of “The Requirements for Changing Legal Sex” (according to which the applicant has to provide two certificates of diagnosis given by two psychiatrists as well as a certificate of diagnosis that the applicant has removed the sex organs) as soon as possible.
  3. The Executive Yuan should pay attention to the importance of the female sex to the achievement of women’s rights and review the gender-diverse policies, laws, administrative orders, gender equality teaching materials, policy research, and every other suggestion promoted by the supporters of the transgender rights movement. All of the above-mentioned government measures should be reviewed by an impartial third party which could not be perceived as having a conflict of interest and should be completed without the involvement of any interested parties.

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